Innovate data drop solution cuts costs and reduces time on site for retail chain’s technology rollout across the South East.


Founded in 2004, Bargain Hunt is a discount retail store with locations across the Southeast and Midwest. They needed to update the cabling infrastructure at their stores and wanted to do it efficiently and within budget. ASD® had just the solution.


Bargain Hunt needed to upgrade the structured cable and wireless access points in all of their stores to support their growing infrastructure. To simplify and expedite the process they wanted one vendor to handle the technology rollout at all of their locations.


  • What’s the quickest and most efficient way to facilitate the rollout?
  • With only 2 cable drops per site, where is there room to minimize costs and expenses?
Bargain Hunt Clothes Bargain Hunt DDB Bargain Hunt Store


Data Drop in the Box by ASD® is an all-inclusive data cable kit. It has all of the necessary supplies for a single or double cable install with cable lengths ranging from 100 – 300ft. Data Drop in a Box helped cut project costs because technicians were able to order exactly how much cable they needed. The box’s size also made for easier pulls and a more organized installation. To improve efficiency even more, project managers strategically planned routes where the same technicians could do the installations at multiple sites.

Bargain Hunt Solution


All of the Bargain Hunt stores have updated cable infrastructure and wireless access points that are capable of handling their growing demands. Due to the ease and simplicity of Data Drop in a Box, technicians were able to get in, work, and get the lifts off the floor by the time the stores opened. Thanks to ASD®’s project managers and innovative cabling solutions this project came in on time and on budget.

Project Summary






Data Drop in a Box



  • 70+ Updated Stores Across the Southeast
  • 150+ Boxes of Data Drop in a Box Seamlessly Installed
  • 4 Week Time Frame Met


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